Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

историческая политика

Ideology, toponymy, politics of memory: The history of renaming in the Baltic countries

The article presents an analysis of the toponymy of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in historical retrospect and the relationship with local memory politics. The practice of changing geographical names was carried out and continues to be carried out in line with the Baltic historical policy and such fundamental components as ethnocentrism, the fight against the consequences of “Soviet occupation” and decommunization. At the same time, toponymy was transformed most uniformly and consistently in Estonia and Latvia, due to similar historical development.

Идеология, топонимия, политика памяти: история переименований в странах Балтии

В статье представлен анализ топонимии Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы в исторической ретроспективе и взаимосвязи с местной политикой памяти. Практика смены географических названий осуществлялась и продолжает осуществляться в русле прибалтийской исторической политики и таких её основополагающих составляющих как этноцентризм, борьба с последствиями «советской оккупации» и декоммунизация. При этом, наиболее однородно, последовательно топонимия преобразовывалась в Эстонии и Латвии, в силу схожего исторического развития.

Visual forms of politics of memory in the Turkic Republics of Russia in the 2010s and early 2020s

The purpose of the article is to study historical politics as politics of memory in the modern Turkic republics of the Volga region in contexts of visualization of memory by means of cinematography. The author analyzes the role of the politics of memory in the formation of the memorial canon as a form of development of national identities in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Chuvashia. Methodologically, the article is based on the principles proposed in the memorial turn and the analysis of the politics of memory in intellectual history and the history of ideas.