Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The experience of organizing the practical training of students at universities in Donetsk during the “Khrushchev thaw”

Using the example of Donetsk (Stalino) universities (pedagogical, industrial and medical institutes), the article examines the system of organizing students’ industrial practice and the specifics of its implementation in 1953–1964. The changes that occur in this type of training of specialists of various profiles after the introduction of the Law “On strengthening the connection of schools with life and the further development of the national education system in the country”, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 24, 1958, are highlighted.

Building of the University...

The article eximines the basic stages of evolution of the SSU. The main attention focused at the two sides of this process: the buildings construction and perfection of educational process. The author discribes how the university became one of the largest educational centers with more then 30 thousands students and post-graduates and more then a dozen Departments and Institutes now, from the small educational institution located in a single building with just 92 students.