For citation:
Dronova N. V. «Strangers in Parliament!»: the Procedural Incident of 1875 (from History of Political Culture of the Victorian England). Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 55-58. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2012-12-2-55-58
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94 (410) «1875»
«Strangers in Parliament!»: the Procedural Incident of 1875 (from History of Political Culture of the Victorian England)
Dronova Natalie Vladimirovna, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
The article is devoted to history of periodicals in Great Britain in a context of evolution of democratic institutes of the British society. The problem is considered on an example of one of bright episodes of history of the British parliamentarism of 1875. Work is based on materials of the British parliament, the press, memoirs.
Key words:
- См.: The Times. 1875. April, 9 ; The Daily News. 1875. April, 9.
- Great Britain Parliament. The Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. Seriws (далее – HC Deb.). L., 1875. Vol. 223. 13 April. P. 787–811.
- Ibid. P. 788.
- Ibid. P. 794.
- Ibid. P. C.795.
- HC Deb. 1875. Vol. 223. 16 April. P. 1148.
- HC Deb. 1875. Vol. 223. 13 April. P. 795–796.
- Ibid. P. 800.
- HC Deb. 1875. Vol. 223. 13 April. P. 810–811 ; Vol. 223. 16 April. P. 1116.
- См.: Dictionary of National Biography. Suppl. I. L., 1901. Vol. 1. P. 195–196.
- Ibid. Vol. 55. P. 157–159.
- HC Deb. 1875. Vol. 223. 22 April. P. 1451.
- Ibid.
- HC Deb. 1875. Vol. 223. 27 April. P. 1692.
- bid. P. 1693.
- Ibid.
- Ibid. P. 1693–1694.
- Ibid. P. 1694–1735.
- Lucy H. A Diary of Two Parliaments. 1874–1880. L., 1885. P. 85.
- Idid. P. 84–85.
- HC Deb. 1875. Vol. 223. 27 April. P. 1694.
- Lucy H. Op. cit. P. 84.
- The Morning Post. 1875. April 28. P. 4.
- The Times. 1875. April 28. P. 11 ; 1875. April 30. P. 9 ; The Daily News. 1875. April 26. P. 5.
- Parliament and the Press // The Economist. 1875. May 8. P. 546.
- HC Deb. 1875. May 4. Vol. 224. P. 48–49.
- Ibid. P. 50–51.
- Ibid. P. 84.
- Ibid. P. 92.
- Ibid. P. 50–51.
- The Times. 1875. May 5. P. 9.
- Parliament and the Press // The Economist. 1875. May 8. P. 546.
- HC Deb. 1875. 4 May. Vol. 224. P. 89.
- Thomas J. A. The House of Commons. 1832–1901. A Study of its Economic and Functional Character. Cardiff, 1939. P. 14–15.