Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Varfolomeev Y. V. «I write these memoirs, first of all, with the aim to portray as truthfully and accurately as possible the events and people I met on my life path». Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 416-419. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2021-21-3-416-419

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«I write these memoirs, first of all, with the aim to portray as truthfully and accurately as possible the events and people I met on my life path»

Varfolomeev Yuriy Vladimirovich, Saratov State University

The review analyzed the characteristics and content of a unique ego-source, the memoirs of a prominent figure in the revolutionary movement of late Imperial Russia S. A. Nikonova, on the pages which come to life fragments of revolutionary struggle and cultural-public life of Russia at the turn of the twentieth century, and presents a gallery of historical portraits and sketches prominent and often little-known characters of that era. The reviewer pays special attention to the evaluation of the scientific and publishing work on the preparation of this publication, done by Associate Professor V. A. Solomonov.

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  6. Никонов С. А. Несколько встреч с А. Ю. Фейтом // Там же. № 5 (34). С. 185–188 и др.
  7. Никонов С. А. Мои воспоминания. Из революционной борьбы и культурно-общественной деятельности : в 3 т. Т. 1 : 1864–1904 / публ. В. А. Соломонова и Е. Е. Фёдорова ; вступит. статья В. А. Соломонова и Ю. Г. Степанова ; коммент. и указатель имён В. А. Соломонова ; генеалог. древо Е. Е. Фёдорова. М. : Новый Хронограф, 2018. С. 28.
  8. Никонов С.  А. Письмо в редакцию // Каторга и ссылка. 1931. № 3. С. 255.
  9. Никонов С. А. Мои воспоминания. Из революционной борьбы и культурно-общественной деятельности… Т. 1. С. 27.
  10. Никонов С.  А. Пётр Лаврович Лавров. Русская эмиграция в Париже в 1892–1897 гг. (отрывок из воспоминаний)…