Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

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ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Kudryakov V. V. Affinity in the XIV–XV Centuries: Means of Formation and Social Functions. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3, pp. 14-19. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2012-12-3-14-19

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Affinity in the XIV–XV Centuries: Means of Formation and Social Functions

Kudryakov Vasily Valerievich, Moscow Pedagogical State University

Evolution of feudal system on the verge of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries entailed а decline of military service based on former tenurial bonds and its substitution by the system of contracted obligations which facilitated development of the institution of affinity. These communities forming around magnates executed not only military functions but became the centers of social, political and administrative activity. They defended interests of their members and promoted matrimonial and economic links among them. Prosperous affinities gained control over local executive and judicial power as well as elections to the House of Commons. However, their struggle for dominance contributed to a considerable extent to instability of political development in England in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

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  14. Ibid. P. XIV ; English Histоrical Documents. Vol. 4. P. 1115–1126.
  15. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. cit. P. X.
  16. Cм.: McFarlane K. B. Op. cit. P. 32 ; Dockray K. Richard III and the Yorkshire Gentry c. 1471–1485 // Richard III : Loyalty, Lordship and Law. L., 1986. P. 41.
  17. Cм.: McFarlane K. B. Parliament and ‘Bastard feudalism’//‘England in the Fifteenth Century’. Collected Essays. L., 1981. P. 18.
  18. Cм.: McFarlane K. B. ‘Bastard feudalism’. P. 37.
  19. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. cit. P. XVIII.
  20. Cм.: Hicks M. Bastard feudalism : Society and Politics in Fifteenth-Century England // Richard III and his Rivals. Magnates and their Motives in the Wars of the Roses. P. 22 ; Idem. Lord Hastings ‘Indentured Retainers? P. 233, 369 ; Dockray K. Op. cit. P. 42.
  21. Cм.: McFarlane K. B. ‘Bastard feudalism’. P. 36.
  22. Cм.: Hicks M. Bastard feudalism : Society and Politics in Fifteenth-Century England. P. 8.
  23. Cм.: McFarlane K. B. ‘Bastard feudalism’. P. 31.
  24. Cм.: Hicks M. Bastard feudalism : Society and Politics in Fifteenth-Century England. P. 20–21, 37.
  25. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. cit. P. XI.
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  28. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. сit. P. XI.
  29. Cм.: Lander J. R. Op. сit. P. 45 ; Hicks M. Dynastic Change and Northern Society : The Fourth Earl of Northumberland, 1470–89 // Richard III and his Rivals. Magnates and their Motives in the Wars of the Roses. P. 389.
  30. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. сit. P. XIII.
  31. Cм.: Hicks M. Dynastic Change and Northern Society : The Fourth Earl of Northumberland, 1470–89. P. 385.
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  33. Ibid. P. 31.
  34. Cм.: Штокмар B. B. История Англии в средние века. CПб., 2001. С. 98–99.
  35. Harris G. L. Op. сit. P. XXI–XXII.
  36. Ibid. P. XV–XVI.
  37. Ibid. P. XIX.
  38. Cм.: English Histоrical Documents. Vol. 4. P. 1125–1126.
  39. Cм.: Hicks M. Bastard feudalism : Society and Politics in Fifteenth-Century England. P. 13.
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  41. Cм.: Hicks M. Restraint, Mediation and Private Justice : George, Duke of Clarence as ‘Good Lord’. P. 147–148 ; Harris G. L. Op. cit. P. XXI.
  42. Cм.: Dockray K. Op. cit. P. 43–44.
  43. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. cit. P. XV.
  44. Cм.: McFarlane K. B. Parliament and ‘Bastard feudalism’. P. 3.
  45. Cм.: Harris G. L. Op. cit. P. XVI–XVII.
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