Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Programme of the Course «Historical geography of Western Europe during the Middle Age»

The author of this programme – professor A.N. Galyamichev. He give his lectures about a historical geography of the middle ages in Saratov University during a long time. This programme demonstrate a maintenance and a logic of construction of this course. The programme incluole a list of origins and literatures.

Behind the screen of the Islamic revolution

This article is dedicated of the analyses of internal political and economic situation in contemporary Iran before the President’s election of 2005 year. Author is concentrating on the causes and preconditions for the victory on the elections of radical politician Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Article also represents a research on the causes of defeat of supporters of the liberal President Mohammed Hatami.

The Nobility Family Register Books of the Saratov Province in the End of the XVIII – the First Half of the XIX Century

In the fund of the nobility deputy assembly of the State archives of the Saratov region there is a collection of 21 volumes of the unique documents, known as the Nobility family register books of the Saratov province (1787–1861). Their analysis brings us to the conclusions concerning the structure of the noble society of the Saratov province as a whole. The documents also give the opportunity to clarify many private issues on history of the concrete representatives of the hereditary nobility of the Saratov province.

The Formation of Views on National Question of Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganov)

Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganov) – one of the most well-known church figures of Russia at the beginning of 20th century. The author of the article explores the formation of his views on national question since his youth and the period of his service in Georgia (1890s). His national views of 1903–1912, when he served in Saratov, are examined in greater detail. Their unsystemized nature and their contradiction with Hermogenes’ aims as church leader are emerged.

New Facts on Stepan Grigoryevich Shiryayev

In the article these biographies of member Ispolnitelinii Comitet «Narodaja Volia» Stepan Shiryaev (1857–1881) are resulted from archives: Record office of the Sara-tovskoy area (GASO) end Saratovskiy regional museum of study of a particular region (COMK). These information allow to set the new facts of life of Shiryaev, about his activity in Saratov, Petersburg, London.

There Should Be no Blood on the New Sovereign… (K.D. Kavelin’s Reaction to the Events of March 1, 1881)

The report focuses on K.D. Kavelin’s reaction to the events of March 1, 1881, wich is not thoroughly investigated in the historical literature. The report shows the prehistory of Notes at the accession of Alexander III publication, Kavelin’s treatment of M.T. Loris-Melikov activities and revolutionary narodnik movement.

P.V.Annenkov and Russian Liberalism (the Second Half of the 1850-s – the Beginning of the 1880-s.)

Analyzing the letters of P.V. Annenkov to I.S.Turgenev, the author determines his belonging to the circle of Russian liberals of the epoch of  the Great reforms, reveals some peculiarities and moments of evolution of the social and political views of this prominent literary figure.
