Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

The Rebel Movement in Balashov Uyezd of Saratov Gubernia During the Years of the Civil War on the Pages of Local Newspapers

The rebel movement during the years of the Civil War is one of the topical and interesting themes though scantily studied. In the light of new methodological approaches and news sources introduced in the scientific sphere there have appeared new directions of studying this problem. The paper is an attempt to consider the way the rebels are presented on the pages of local Soviet newspapers using Balashov uyezd of Saratov gubernia as an example.

History of the Low Volga Region in the Works by P. G. Lubomirov

The article analyzes the contribution of an outstanding Russian historian of the first half of the 20th century, in the 1920s head of the department of Russian history of Saratov University, P. G. Lyubomirov to the study of the history of the Low Volga region. The circle of research issues that were studied by the scientist was reconstructed, the reasons for his interest in the study of this problem were determined.

Daily Life During the Grain Campaign of 1929: on the Eve of the «Great Turning»

The article exploresthe dailylife of peasants of the Saratov Volga region on the eve of collectivization, associated with the implementation of the policy of the Soviet leadership on a large-scale “pumping out” food resources and “fighting the kulak” from the village. on the one hand, they were caused by a shortage of food for the cities and the army, on the other, they were the consequence of a ripening in the central government of the USSR decisions on accelerated collectivization.

Anti-religious Campaign in the Saratov Volga Region: on the Example of the Fight Against Orthodoxy (the End of the 1920s – the Beginning of the 1940s)

The author of the article, based on archival materials, examines the anti-religious campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox on the territory of the Saratov Volga region in the late 1920s – early 1940s. The anti-religious campaign was carried out in the form of repressions against worshipers and believers, the seizure of temples and houses of worship, anti-religious agitation and propaganda, and other anti-religious events.

Foreign Specialists at the Industrial Enterprises of the Lower Volga Region in the 1920s–1930s

The article discusses the participation of foreign experts in the construction and reconstruction of industrial enterprises of the Lower Volga region in 1920–1930s. In the framework of the methodological concept of social history and the history of everyday life issues of productivity, socio-cultural and social adaptation of foreigners, their relationships with Soviet colleagues, with the administration of the are addressed. The article is based on the archival materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Language as a Factor of Preservation of Historical National Self-Identity of Inhabitants of the Saratov Region (Based on the Results of the 2010 Population Census)

In the article the alteration of ethnic makeup in Saratov Region in 2002–2010  is examined. Tendencies of linguistic and national selfidentity of primary ethnic groups in Saratov Region are scrutinized and determined. Based on the results of the 2010 nationwide population census, the strengthening of the Russian language as primary lingua franca across the region has been registered, as well as persistence of the so-called “national” languages among the peoples of Caucasus and Central Asia.

Status and Functions of the Mayor of Nakhichevan-on-Don According to the Materials of the Audit By Senator M. N. Zhemchuzhnikov

The report of Senator Zhemchuzhnikov on the results of the audit of the Nakhichevan district in 1844 contains significant materials on the organization and activities of the self-government bodies of the Armenian colony in the Lower Don Region, formed in 1779 by Armenian immigrants from the Crimea. The duties of the mayor were not determined either by law or public sentence, and therefore the limits of his power depended on personal qualities and on the respect that he commanded in the district.

On the Issue of Transferring Saratov to the Right Bank of the Volga in 1674

The article considers the reasons for the transfer of the left-bank Saratov to the right bank of the Volga in the area of the modern Museum Square. Particular attention is paid to the ruling persons (governors) of the town. The time of their stay in the new right-bank Saratov is specified. The main sources on the history of Saratov of this period are analyzed in detail.

Embassy to Georgia of Prince Fyodor Fedorovich Volkonsky and Left-Bank Saratov in 1637–1639

The article considers unknown pages of the history of the left-bank of Saratov. Particular attention is paid to the collapse of the embassy caravan on the Volga near Saratov on October 1, 1639 and to the further actions of Prince F. F. Volkonsky’s Ambassador. For the first time a detailed chronology of the events that took place in this city in the summer of 1637 and in the autumn of 1639 is presented, the Saratov Chronicle compiled 120 years ago is supplemented over the years.The main sources about the history of Saratov of this period are analyzed in detail.

To the Question of the Origin of Handicraft Centers (on the Example of the Balakhninsk lacemaking)

In the Russian Empire from the XVIII century there was a process of formation of centers of handicrafts. Russian historiography lacks an accurate understanding of the problems associated with the emergence of artisanal crafts and their centers. On the example of one of the major lace-making centers – the city of Balakhna of the Nizhny Novgorod province – the article discusses versions of its appearance and development.
