Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Border Cooperation in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership Program

This article deals with the Eastern Partnership Program. It is an initiative of the European Union governing its relationship with the post-Soviet states – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Particular attention is given to border cooperation, including the Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Support Programme

Russian-American Relations in the Caspian Region during a New Stage of the Neoconservative Strategy (2003)

The article is devoted to the study of forming the new political environment in the Caspian region after the completion of the «Operation Iraqi Freedom» in May 2003. In the context of the American and Russian strategic plans, the attitudes of the Azerbaijan, Georgia and Kazakhstan governments towards Moscow and Washington policies, as well as the influence of the new political environment on the Russian-American relations are also analyzed.

The beginning of the Anglo-Russian Diplomatic Confrontation within the Frame of the «Eastern Question» («The Ochakov Crisis» of 1791)

The article describes the peculiarities of the Anglo-Russian diplomatic controversy at the first stage of the «Eastern Quiestion». Much attention is paid to the British intervention in the course of the Russo-Turkish conflict of 1787–1791 in order to seize the control over peace negotiations.

British Eastern Policy: from the Carlowitz Congress to the Beginning of the French Revolution

The article describes the peculiarities of British policy in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East during 1699–1791, within the context of the diplomatic confrontation in Europe and the defense of British possessions in India.

World War I and Russia (on Some Lessons of Century-old Events)

Analyzing many events and phenomena that occurred in the leading countries of the world, and, first of all, in Russia, before, in the course of, and after World War I, the author raises and explores a number of problems of that time which are still urgent today and connected with international and domestic security of Russia. Key words: World War I, Russia, imperial nationalism, ambitions of political elite, international relations, overthrow of monarchy, war lessons, consequences of the Versailles Treaty.

Russia’s Influence on the Relationship between the Zapoorozhian Sich and the Hetmanate

The article highlights political confrontation between the Hetmanate and the Zapoorozhian Sich and an important role of Russian diplomacy, which sought to limit the autonomy of Ukraine. The author shows that political orientation of the hetmans could vary depending on the political environment. The Russian government skillfully used contra- dictions between different political forces and Moscow diplomats in order to eliminate the Hetmanate autonomy.

China’s Attempts to Form a Military Alliance with the Kalmyk Khanate in the Early XVIII Century

The article is devoted to the relevant topic connected with the coverage of the policy of Imperial Russia in its marginal South-Eastern territories. The author introduces new documents from the archive of foreign policy of the Russian Empire and the National archive of the Republic of Kalmykia. The paper analyzes external and internal factors, special historical conditions and prerequisites for relations between the Kalmyk khanate and the countries of Central Asia.

Iran and the «Arab Peace Initiative» on Syria

Based on Iranian and Arabian sources, the article analyzes the formation of the «Arab peace initiative» on Syria, which was supposed to put an end to the 2011 Syrian crisis by regional states. The participation of Iran, the closest ally of Syria in the Middle East region, its reaction and the evolution of the approach to the «Arab initiative» as it is being implemented, is examined.

Phenomenon of Bolshevism as it is Perceived by Russian Emigration

The author considers the emigrant experience of understanding the Soviet regime that was born under the influence of Russian empire collapse and radical political transformations in 1917. Based on different sources, dynamic of Russian natives’ public moods throughout 1920 (the one that was affected by European life, inter-emigrant political struggle and Bolshevistic state-building) is analyzed.

«Eastern agreement» of Ismail Gasprinsky: The formation of an early Eurasian concept (1880–1890s)

The article is devoted to the formation of the Eurasian intellectual tendency in Russia – based on the material of the Turkic social thought. The views of the Turkic-Muslim leader Ismail Gasprinsky are reconstructed. His ideas about the rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, about a potential «Eastern agreement» with the participation of Russia, Turkey, Persia and the Balkan states are shown. It is concluded that the idea of an «Eastern agreement» is (in terms of content and meaning) an early Eurasian/pro-Eurasian concept.
